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Kevan Oswald
Sep 14, 20203 min read
R.A.T.U.F.A Branding
Contrary to the spelling of its name, the Ratufa isn’t actually a rat, it’s a large tree squirrel. There are four species of the genus...
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Kevan Oswald
Aug 28, 20202 min read
Neuromarketing studies consumers’ cognitive responses to marketing stimuli. It enables researchers to get inside the minds of consumers...
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Kevan Oswald
Aug 21, 20192 min read
The Impact of Relatable Emotion
There are only three things that make me tear up, patriotic songs, the suffering of children, and videos of people who hear for the first...
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Kevan Oswald
May 10, 20194 min read
Writing Surveys
Survey Goals A well designed survey starts with well defined goals. When the goals of the survey can be expressed in a few clear and...
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Kevan Oswald
Jun 7, 20183 min read
Margin of Error
We often here the results to a poll or survey while watching the news, or see a graph online followed by the comment that the “margin of...
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Kevan Oswald
Apr 19, 20183 min read
Qualtrics Insight Summit
My home town of Salt Lake City has never really been on the map as a marketing research hub, but for at least a few day once a year, that...
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Kevan Oswald
Apr 5, 20185 min read
Net Promoter So So
My first encounter with the brilliant yet dubious nature of Net Promoter Score (NPS) came shortly after its “invention” by Fred Reichheld...
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Kevan Oswald
Mar 9, 20182 min read
Multidimensional Scaling
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) is the process of representing consumer preferences and perceptions visually on a spatial map. It is...
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Kevan Oswald
Feb 9, 20182 min read
Correlation Analysis
Correlation analysis is used to identify how closely related two variables are to each other. A numeric value ranging from -1 to +1...
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Kevan Oswald
Sep 8, 20175 min read
Anchors, Halos & Triggers
One of the first rules of big box office monster movies is to not reveal the full horror of the creature until the movie is well under...
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Kevan Oswald
Sep 1, 20178 min read
When I read books, I typically do so on my phone or tablet, highlighting sentences or paragraphs that make a good point. I don’t recall...
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Kevan Oswald
Aug 25, 20174 min read
Multiple Regression Analysis
Multiple regression is used to learn more about the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and a dependent or...
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Kevan Oswald
Aug 11, 20174 min read
The Pixar Pitch
Every Pixar film shares essentially the same DNA: Once upon a time____________. Every day, ____________. One day ____________. Because of...
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Kevan Oswald
Aug 3, 20173 min read
Hypotheses Testing
The first step in hypotheses testing is to form a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. A null hypothesis is that there is no...
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Kevan Oswald
Jul 15, 20172 min read
Defining Generations
The oldest Gen Xers will turn 50 this year (2015). At least most consider that to be the case. Baby Boomers are widely agreed upon as...
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Kevan Oswald
Jul 11, 20172 min read
Cluster Analysis
Cluster Analysis is used to classify objects into relatively homogeneous groups called clusters. It enables marketers to target the...
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Kevan Oswald
Jun 7, 20173 min read
ANOVA is used to see if the difference in the means for two or more populations are statistically significant or the result of chance. ...
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Kevan Oswald
May 27, 20173 min read
Conjoint Analysis
Conjoint analysis is used to assess how much value people place on specific features when making a purchase decision. The primary...
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Kevan Oswald
May 2, 20172 min read
Growth Hacking
Peppered with several subtle, and a few not so subtle, jabs at traditional advertising and branding, Ryan Holiday’s book “Growth Hacker...
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Kevan Oswald
Apr 27, 20171 min read
Max-diff (also called best worst scaling) is a discrete choice model used to measure importance or preference in a list of several items...
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